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Healthcare is becoming a more shared decision-making process between patients and their clinicians. An initiative of the IBIM Foundation, Choosing Wisely is intended to promote a dialogue between patients and physicians intended for making better care choices. The rampant inefficiency in healthcare necessitates improved strategies for care. Unnecessary care, tests and procedures are wasteful in the form of increased costs, reduced efficiency and the potential risk harm.

Recommendations involve a robust list of health topics developed by the appropriate medical societies – ranging from the American Academy of Pediatrics to the American Geriatrics Society. These recommendations will foster quality-of-life conversations between doctors and their patients.

We determinedly pursue innovation in our delivery of care at Premier Medical Associates. Similarly to other ongoing health initiatives, we choose them to advance the health and experience for our patients. It begins and ends with them.

Our providers are targeting specific recommendations within our primary care division – internal medicine, family medicine and pediatrics.

Better for you. Making more educated medical choices will save you time, money and avoid risk are all significant benefits. The Choosing Wisely initiative was not designed to be comprehensive bringing every medical decision into question. It is a more responsible and practical approach to discussing unnecessary care. We encourage you to visit for more information.